Thursday, November 19, 2009

Java Junk

"Java Junk"
Elizabeth Somer, MA, RD

A cup of black coffee is almost calorie-free. However, gourmet coffee drinks can pack more calories than a platter of deep-fat-fried onion rings, according to a study from New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. A survey of customers at 42 Starbucks and 73 Dunkin’ Donuts in New York City found that servings of coffee or tea averaged only about 63 calories, even with the addition of milk and sugar. However, blended drinks averaged 239 calories (approximately 90 more calories than found in a can of soda pop), a large ice-blended drink contained 750 calories, and large blended drinks topped out at up to 880 calories - which is more than two Quarter Pounders at McDonalds!

Huang C, Dumanvosky T, Silver L, et al: Calories from

beverages purchased at 2 major coffee chains in New
York City, 2007. Preventing Chronic Disease 2009;6(4),
on line.

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