Friday, April 30, 2010

Don't Salt It!

Most people know that a salty diet increases risk for high blood pressure, but several recent studies show that heart disease and even stroke risk rises as salt intake increases. In a study from the University of Naples, researchers found that as salt intake increased in a review of 13 studies totaling 170,000 people, the risk for cardiovascular disease and stroke also increased. As a result, the World Health Organization recom- mends people consume less than 5 grams of salt, about a teaspoon total, each day. (Typically, people in the U.S. consume about 10 grams.)
Researchers at the National Cancer in Tokyo, report that a high sodium intake
increased the risk for cardiovascular disease in 77,500 men and women between the
ages of 45- and 74-years-old.
Strazzullo P, D’Elia L, Kandala N, et al: Salt intake, stroke, and cardiovascular disease. British Medical Journal 2009;November 24:339:b4567.
Takachi R, Inoue M, Shimazu T, et al: Consumption of sodium and salted foods in relation to cancer and car- diovascular disease. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2009;December 16th.

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