Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Walk it out on a Wednesday

Walking is healthy way to exercise and is great for those who don't enjoy running or are not in the condition to run. There are many benefits to walking such as, it helps maintain weight, keeps blood pressure level down, reduces LDL (bad) cholesterol and lowers stress levels. A person of any age can walk and the chance of injury is quite lower than running since it's not as intense. You can always speed up to burn more calories.

Pedometer: Clip it to your pants and it will count the number of steps you take. It detects the motion of hips.

Ways to increase your daily steps:
Take a walk with your spouse, child, friend, or family member
Walk the dog
Use the stairs instead of the elevator
Park farther from the store, better yet, walk to the store
Get up to change the channel
Walk to your co-workers desk
Walk over to visit a neighbor
Go outside to walk around the garden or do a little weeding
Go on a mild hike
Walk on the treadmill

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